Saturday, December 29, 2007

Why Do Top Democrats Join the Media?

Watching George Stephanopoulos go after Hillary Clinton this morning, was a little off-putting. Afterall, it wasn't that long ago that the two were working hand in hand together to get Bill Clinton elected. Did Stephanopoulos' politics change? Doubtful. What it does show is how a key political operative was bought off and made ineffective by the media.

Stephanopoulos is not alone. Chris Mathews and Tim Russert were once hardcore Democratic strartegists. Now, they are more famous for lobbing softballs to Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld while going for the jugular against the Howard Dean's and John Kerry's of the world.

One can only imagine what a difference these three would make if they were working for Democrats instead of posing as moderate mainstream reporters without agendas. Afterall, no matter how much Stephanopoulos, Russert and Mathews bend over backwards to give the other side a fair hearing, they will forever be remembered as Democrats and thus taint the media as being liberal.

It's hard to imagine three more talented people who have been suctioned out of real politics and into the "objective" business of journalism. Can you imagine Karl Rove attacking a Republican or giving a fair hearing to Democrats? Of course not. These three were feared by the other side, now they are lap dogs, big and blustery for sure, but completely neutered.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Forot to mention the NFL's attempts to pull Keith Olbermann back into sports and away from news. Olbermann has no history with the Democratic Party, but he's gained enormous popularity for his skeptical views of the current administration.