Sunday, December 9, 2007

Who Were the Twelve Men Behind the John Birch Society?

In 1958, twelve"patriotic and public-spirited" men got together in Indianapolis and put together the ultra-conservative John Birch Society. Are these the twelve?
  1. Fred Koch- developed the most profitable private company in the world.
  2. Revilo Pendleton Oliver- academic who helped develop the American Nazi Party.
  3. Herbert Walker- wealthy Missourian and namesake of two U.S. Presidents.
  4. William F. Buckley-Influential conservative who started the National Review.
  5. H.L. Hunt: Conservative Texas oil baron.
  6. E. Roland Harriman- Head of Southern Pacific Railroad, brother of Averell.
  7. Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.- Massachusettes Senator, Richard Nixon's running mate in 1960.
  8. Robert Lovett- Brown Brothers Harriman partner.
  9. Bowman Gray-former head of R.J. Reynold's Tobacco Co.
  10. James Hanes- former head of the underwear dynasty.
  11. Clarence Gamble- heir to the Proctor & Gamble fortune.
  12. J. Paul Getty- oil made him the wealthiest man in the world in 1958.

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