Monday, December 24, 2007

History Channel = Hitler Channel?

Anybody who's turned on their television set over the last thirteen years knows that the place to find Hitler programming has been on the History Channel. Sometimes it seems that half of their programming is devoted to the anti-Semitic Nazi leader. Under the banner of exploring history, Nazi propaganda has been given a new forum on the History Channel. Is it fair that the History Channel has garnered the reputation as the "Hitler channel"?

Displaying Nazi symbols and imagery is generally considered offensive and, in many cases, illegal, and so it is a subject certainly worthy of discussion. The History Channel is a joint venture owned by GE, Disney, Rupert Murdoch and the Hearst Corporation. This group has a dominating hold on shaping views of historical events through this channel and others they control like A & E, Biography, History International, and the Military History channel. Some might argue that these right-wing corporations are sympathetic to the subject at hand for one reason or another.

For example the Hearst Corporation has a long and checkered history with fascist causes. William Randolph Hearst (1863-1951), the Rupert Murdoch of his day, came to embrace fascism and all the dictators that went with it. In the 1930’s, he hired both Mussolini and Hitler to write columns for his newspapers. He used newsreels to pass along unedited Nazi propaganda, he even went over to Germany and personally met with Hitler, and even attended to the Nuremberg rally. It's obvious where the History Channel obtained all their Nazi footage.

The History Channel has expanded all over the globe. It is disturbing to think that there might be people who share Hitler's ideology who spread his beliefs in the guise of historical examination. There can be no doubt that the History Channel is the favorite television station among neo-Nazis who find everything they need to live out their fantasies on almost a daily basis on the supposedly respected media outlet, the History Channel.

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